Saturday, February 21, 2009

Little Heathens

This Thursday, we'll be getting together and discussing Mildred Kalish's delightful book, Little Heathens.

First, I have to say: It sounds more risque than it is. Mildred and her siblings were called "little heathens" when they moved to the farm to stay with their grandparents and their mother, but they didn't seem all that heathenish to me. In some ways, her childhood seemed idyllic and innocent; in some ways harsh and austere; in some ways better than life today; in some ways far worse.

That being said, this is, in many ways a fascinating book about an era soon to be lost. There's even a chapter on Mildred's religious upbringing: she admits to having been positively influenced by the faith of her youth, but to being far now from organized religion. I hope we'll get a chance to discuss her God-questions along with many other fascinating aspects of her story.

Here's a reading guide with questions to ponder before Thursday.